My name is Yasminne, but you can call me Yas. I am a dedicated and enthusiastic person who is passionate about assisting others in achieving their life goals and outcomes.
From 2010 to 2014, I split my time between studying BSc Biomedical Science, working as a Research Laboratory Technician, and volunteering in Brazil. I honed my skills in Mental Health Support and pursued my interest in understanding the human mind to help those in need. I’ve shared my life experience and knowledge with people for more than five years. I also follow the metaphysics philosophy as well as the Law of Attraction with a scientific approach.
Currently, I volunteer as a Progression Coach in the UK, assisting young people and adults in discovering their true potential to live better lives. I am an undergraduate Psychology student (currently in my last year), an active member of the British Psychological Society, and a full-time Seniors Residential Worker at BKY Care, where I work with young people who have unhealthy attachments and have experienced trauma.
I’m extremely proud and excited to announce that I’ve been accepted as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine!!! Over the coming months, I’ll be writing regular articles about different subjects related to the connections between MIND AND BODY for Brainz readers to enjoy:ça
I also have a profile on the Bark platform, where you can see a bit of my coaching work, review, accreditations and more.
If you would like to share your thoughts with me or join my coaching session, drop me an email and it will be a pleasure having you on board!